"The groundwork of all happiness is health." - Leigh Hunt

Do not take back pain by sitting.

Sitting is taken into account a solution to calm down after an extended day in your feet. But for many individuals, sitting for any length of time is painful. This aggravates the back pain as a substitute of reducing it.

What causes lower back pain when sitting?

Although the precise reason for back pain cannot often be identified, muscle strain might be probably the most common cause. Although there isn't any evidence from clinical studies that sitting causes more spasms, people often report back muscles becoming tighter and more painful after sitting for long periods of time.

An extended automotive ride is a typical example. Sometimes people attribute the pain to bumps and jolts on the road, but often the stress of sitting is what causes the issue.

Herniated discs

A herniated disc refers to an issue with one among the discs that act as pads between the vertebrae in your back. In particular, a disc can herniate, meaning it develops a bulge that may pinch a close-by spinal nerve, causing pain.

“There have been few studies that have measured the amount of stress on the discs,” says Dr. Atlas. “Not surprisingly, the pressure is lowest when you lie down.” But once you stand, there's more pressure on the discs than when you find yourself sitting.

“In fact, if I come into the exam room and a patient is standing instead of sitting, I'm much more suspicious that the person has a herniated disc,” he says.


Disc problems alone could cause back pain, but when the pain moves to the legs, it could actually be nerve pain referred to as sciatica. Sciatica sometimes occurs when a herniated disc pinches one among your sciatic nerves. These are the longest nerves in your body, running from the lower back to every leg.

People with sciatica typically report a burning pain within the lower back, leg, and sometimes the foot.

Lower back pain is reduced when sitting.

It is a typical condition in older women that's relieved by sitting. This is a variety of lower back arthritis called spinal stenosis.

“In cases where the arthritis is severe enough to pinch the nerves going down the hips and legs, people often report that standing makes the pain better than sitting. This is because when you sit, So you bend forward a little bit in the lower back, and that can stretch the arthritic bones enough to temporarily relieve the pain,” says Dr. Atlas. Pain might also be relieved once you bend forward using a shopping cart or walker.

When to see a physician

However, if the pain doesn't improve after a number of weeks of modifying your activity, you need to see a physician. (It may take 4 to 6 weeks to see improvement in sciatica from a herniated disc.)

You should see a physician immediately in case your pain may be very severe, if it gets higher but comes back, or if it occurs after an injury — similar to falling down stairs, being in a automotive accident, or Slip on the screws. Snow's Dr. Atlas says it's different from back pain that starts during regular movement. In other words, in case your back hurts once you bend over to tie your shoe, that's not an injury.

How to alleviate pain

If you're experiencing back pain when sitting, you could be encouraged to lie down after which slowly try to sit down back up, says Dr. Atlas. But that is the fallacious way. You should lie right down to relieve the pain, however the goal must be not to return to sitting, but to regain the flexibility to face and move.

“The goal is not to sit in a chair. The goal is to start moving. Walking is better than sitting,” he says. When it involves relieving pain, movement is commonly the most effective medicine.

Treatment of back pain

If you'll be able to't manage your back pain on your personal and decide to see a physician, he or she is going to likely prescribe a course of treatment you can do at home.

“There has been an overemphasis on medical interventions and treatments for back pain that don't focus on medications,” says Dr. Atlas. “There is also a growing appreciation that drugs like acetaminophen also have risks, especially in older adults.”

A typical course of treatment begins with activity modification, progressing to exercise. “For patients with severe symptoms, the first line of therapy may be manual therapy, such as massage, chiropractic, or physical therapy,” says Dr. Atlas.

Prevention of problems

The best solution to avoid back pain is movement. Regular physical activity can strengthen the back to scale back future episodes of pain. Exercises should give attention to constructing strength and improving range of motion – in addition to ensuring balance on each side of the body, as back pain can start when one a part of the body is stronger than the opposite.

Also, avoid prolonged sitting at any time when possible. If you sit at a desk within the office all day, stand up periodically — at the very least every half-hour — and walk around. Walk to get a drink of water or get your mail. Take breaks throughout the day to avoid future pain.

Simple exercises for a healthy back.

Lie in your back with each knees bent. Pull one knee toward your chest and hold for five to 10 seconds. Return to starting position. Repeat with the opposite leg. Do this 5 to 10 times with each leg.

Lie in your back with each knees bent and feet flat on the ground. Pull each knees toward your chest and hold for five to 10 seconds. Return to starting position. Do this 5 to 10 times.

Lie in your back with each knees bent and feet flat on the ground. Gently lower your back to the ground and hold for five to 10 seconds, then calm down. Do this 5 to 10 times.

Lie face down on the ground, your bed, or an exercise mat. Bend your torso upwards and rest your weight in your arms. Gently arch your back and hold for 10 seconds, then calm down. Repeat 5 to 10 times.

Start in your hands and knees. Lift and straighten one leg, slowly extending it back without lifting it above the extent of your body. Hold the position for five seconds. Do this 5 to 10 times with each leg.

Lie in your back with each knees bent and feet flat on the ground. Gently lift your hips 4 to six inches off the ground, hold for five seconds, and return to the starting position. Do this 5 to 10 times.

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